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"I defy anyone to not like math after watching one of the videos here (www.flippedmath.com)" - Kenny T.
"Visionary of a highly effective 21st century pedagogy! You did a marvelous job, gentlemen. I would really love to use it with my Algebra 1 students. Please advise. Thank you very much!"
"Gentlemen you have done the math teaching community a great service! I will be using your content extensively next year as I flip my classes for the first time. My students will be thanking you as well, I'm sure!"
I love your website. Thank you so much for sharing your resources. I've just learned about this flipped math. I really like to try this concept in my classroom this school year. Since I teach all 8-12 math, sometimes two or three subjects in same class period, it will be definitely awesome to use. I'd like to ask your permission to use lessons in my class. Thank you!
"I love what you guys have done. The tone is great. Hip and relaxed."